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1. Clientii dvs. se asteapta sa aveti.
Sase din zece consumatori se asteaptă ca brandurile sa furnizeze continut online despre afacerea lor pe o anumită forma de proprietate digitala si mai mult de jumatate direct pe site-ul web al marcii pentru informatii despre produse.
2. Ofera dovada sociala.
90% dintre consumatori sustin ca recenziile online influenteaza deciziile de cumparare. Puteti sa va bazati pe site-urile FourSquare, Yelp si alte site-uri de evaluare pentru a gazdui recenzii pentru marca dvs., dar puteti impusca doi iepuri dintr-un foc pe site-ul dvs. web.
3. Controlezi povestea.
Este adevarat că nu puteti controla ceea ce spun ceilalti despre dvs. pe canalele de social media, dar puteti influenta perceptia publicului prin crearea propriei povestiri prin intermediul unui site de afaceri.
4. Competitorii dvs. au site-uri Web.
Studiile arata ca, odata ce consumatorul are o idee despre ceea ce are nevoie sau ce vrea, incepe sa caute si 72% dintre acestia merg online pentru a gasi materiale educationale, recenzii si marturii. Deci, daca nu ramaneti competitiv cu concurenta dvs., le oferiti cumparatorilor un motiv sa cumpere de la un alt brand.
5. Nu fiti niciodata "inchis pentru afaceri" din nou.
Nimeni nu vrea sa lucreze la ora 3 dimineața, dar unii oameni prefera sa faca cumparaturi atunci. Avand un site de afaceri sau un magazin de comert electronic inseamna ca puteti vinde produse tot timpul - nu pur si simplu intre orele 9:00 si 17:00.
6. Afisati in rezultatele cautarii Google.
81% dintre consumatori efectueaza cautari online inainte de a efectua o achizitie. Asta inseamnă ca merg pe Google si introduc unul sau mai multe cuvinte cheie. Dacă nu aveti un site web pentru afacerea dvs., sansele de a aparea in rezultatele motorului de cautare (SERP) sunt zero.
7. Prezentati-va produsele si serviciile.
Nu numai ca puteti sa va afisati produsele sau sa detaliati serviciile dvs. cu imagini frumoase, dar puteti oferi tutoriale video scurte sau instructiuni PDF descarcabile, pentru a nu oferi clientilor nehotarati nici un motiv sa mearga in alta parte pentru a cumpara.

sursa: www.constantcontact.com

1. Crearea unui site de calitate este arta.
Daca te-ai casatori, n-ai vrea ca unchiul Joe sa faca fotografiile daca unchiul Joe nu ar avea experienta. Este un eveniment prea important ca sa-l lasi in mainile unui amator. Acelasi lucru este valabil si pentru site-ul dvs. Site-ul dvs. este mult prea important pentru succesul afacerii dvs. ca sa nu investiti intr-un profesionist.
2. Timpul si banii pe termen lung.
De obicei principalul motiv pentru care oamenii decid sa isi creeze propriul site este din cauza costului redus. Sigur ca ati putea utiliza un sablon ca sa creati site-ul dvs. dar probabil ca (mai mult decat probabil) va lipsesc abilitatile creative necesare dezvoltarii unui site orientat spre publicul vizat. In general oamenii isi vor crea propriul site, apoi vor fi nemultumiti de el si vor angaja un designer profesionist. Economisiti timp si bani pe viitor daca o faceti de prima data.
3. Notiuni de baza.
Scopul intregului site este acela ca atunci cand cineva cauta tipul de serviciu pe care il oferiti, puteti fi gasit chiar in partea de sus a listei. Exista o stiinta complicata pentru obtinerea unui rang inalt pe Google. Trebuie sa va asigurati ca motoarele de cautare va pot gasi si cand va gasesc sa le placa ceea ce vad.
4. Vei pierde credibilitate valoroasa de afaceri.
In vremea de azi, un site web este una dintre primele impresii pe care le puteti face unui potential client. Daca nu credeti ca va deranjeaza un site web neprofesionist, ati face bine sa va ganditi din nou. Ai 5 secunde pentru a face o impresie buna. cititi din nou si numarati pana la 5. Asta este. Asta e tot ce ai la dispozitie. Pierdeti nota in cele 5 secunde si tocmai ati fost depasit de competitie.
5. Lipsa de sprijin.
Nu este surprinzator ca nivelul de asistenta pe care il puteti astepta sa il primiti atunci cand optati pentru un site web auto-construit sa fie adesea inexistent. In mod normal, asistenta site-ului nu va fi inclusa, ceea ce inseamna ca atunci cand intampinati in mod inevitabil o problema cu site-ul dvs. si solicitati ajutor, acesta va va costa sau cel putin va va ocupa o cantitate semnificativa de timp parcurgand FAQ's si tutoriale.
6. Liniste sufleteasca.
Cand faci ceva ce nu ai experienta, nu stii niciodata daca ai facut corect. Nu e un sentiment bun. Cand vine vorba de site-ul dvs., nu va puteti permite aceasta incertitudine. Angajarea unui profesionist va ofera posibilitatea de a avea incredere in ei pentru a ghida procesul. Cat de mult merita linistea ta sufleteasca?

sursa: 321goproject.com / itseeze.com

1. Above the Fold. Daca elementele de pe site-ul dvs. sunt "deasupra liniei", oamenii nu trebuie sa deruleze prea jos sa le vada.
2. Analytics. Google Analytics este un termen care se refera la urmarirea numerica a vizitatorilor site-ului dvs. Google Analytics va va spune ce se intampla pe site-ul dvs., dar nu de ce.
3. Backend. Un "backend" al unui site este o modalitate de a va referi la sistemul sau serverul care gestioneaza continutul unui site web. Aici intrati si faceti modificari in continutul sau paginile site-ului dvs. web.
4. Browser Testing. Odată ce un designer transforma o schita (mockup) intr-un sablon folosind codul, sablonul trebuie sa fie testat deoarece exista literalmente sute de combinatii de browsere web.
5. Call to action (CTA). Chemarea la actiune este un buton, o grafica sau un text care incurajeaza vizitatorul sa actioneze intr-un anume mod.
6. Content Development. Crearea unui design grafic pentru site-ul dvs. este doar o parte a unui proiect de web design. Scrierea continutului este, de asemenea, o parte importanta si adesea neglijata din procesul de redesign al site-ului web.
7. Content Management System. Un sistem de gestionare a continutului sau CMS este un program care ruleaza pe un server web. Acesta va permite sa va conectati si sa efectuati modificari pe site-ul dvs., de obicei, cu cunostinte putine de programare sau chiar deloc.
8. Conversion Rate. Este un parametru incredibil de important pentru a intelege eficienta site-ului dvs. Numarul de vizitatori este impartit la numarul de potentiali clienti sau contacte pe care le primiti de pe site.
9. CSS. CSS inseamna Cascading Style Sheet, si este un fisier care dicteaza modul in care lucrurile vor fi afisate pe site-ul dvs. web.
10. Customer Personas. Persoanele clientilor sunt descrieri detaliate ale clientilor dvs. ideali. Sunt reprezentari fictive, dar reprezinta un segment al pietei tintă.
11. Domain Name. A domain name is your website address, most commonly ending in .com, .net or .org.
12.Flat Design. Flat design is a type of website design characterised by the lack of shadows, bevels and gradients. Flat design is often minimal, clean and simple.
13. Front End. A website's front end is the part of the website that you'd see when you visit a website on a computer or mobile device.
14. FTP. Short for File Transfer Protocol, FTP is how a designer connects their computer to the web server to transfer files that will ultimately run your website.
15. Grid System. It is simply a structure of pages on your website, comprised of columns and rows. They are used to lay out and align web page content to make it more readable and manageable.
16.Hosting. Hosting, or "web hosting", is the method of making your website available to the public on a web server, a computer that's always hooked up to the internet.
17. HTML. Short for HyperText Markup Language, HTML is a simple web programming language that tells web browsers hot to render the words, pictures, audio and video on your web pages.
18.Infinite Scrolling. Infinite scrolling is a method of loading a web page on a visitor's screen whereby content will load as you scroll down the page.
19. Information Architecture. It sounds complicated, but it's simply organizing and labeling your content.
20. JQuerry. It is a JavaScript "library" that includes several commonly-used javascript functions. JQuerry can be used for things like making sure your web forms are filled out properly or not left blank.
21. Landing Page. The term "landing page" can have different meanings to different people. Some people call your homepage a landing page because that's where people visit first.
22. Lead Form. Lead forms are forms that can be placed on any page of your website. People fill out these forms to download something or to request information.
23.Localization. If you do business internationally, you'll want to localize your website. More than just translating, localizing your website means that your designer will change messaging and photographs and cultural references to be more appropriate in the international markets you are targeting.
24. Meta Tags. The two types of meta tags that most people refer to are called "meta keywords" and "meta description" tags. Many think they influence your search engine rankings but actually they don't.
25. Mobile First. Mobile first is the mindset that you should design a website with the mobile experience in mind before you design for the screen.
26.Mockup. A mockup is a picture of how your website will look on a screen when it's finished. It's not a working version of what you'll see, just a picture of what it will look like.
27. Parallax Scrolling. Parallax scrolling is where a background image moves slower than the foreground image or text, creating an illusion of depth as a visitor scrolls down a page.
28. Photoshop. Photoshop is a computer program made by Adobe that is the industry standard for creating website mockups and designs.
29. Responsive Design. Responsive design is a design and coding technique that makes your website mobile friendly. It enables your website to "respond" or reformat itself, to the screen size it is beeing viewed on.
30. QA. Quality assurance, or QA, involves more than just testing your website on web browsers. Different features of your website have to be tested to ensure they work as intended.
31. SEO. Short for Search Engine Optimization, SEO is the practice of optimizing your website and overall web presence (including social media) so that your business can be found on Google.
32. Sitemap. A sitemap is an outline of how your website content will be organized. It shows the high level naming structure and hierarchy for your website and were each page will live under that structure.
33. SVG. It stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, which allows code to create high resolution artwork on your website without loading graphics files, which speeds up the performance of your website.
34. Template. A template is code that tells your content management system how to render pages on your website. The term "template" can also refer to a pre-designed website "theme"
35. UI Design. User Interface, or UI, is a way to describe the page that visitors will see. When a designer does UI design, they are designing the pages that visitors will interact with, in simpler terms. UI design is all about aesthetics and layout.
36. UX Design. UX design, or User Experience design, is a strategic way to look at web design. UX design considers your visitor's needs and abilities, the technology or device, as well as the ultimate goals that you want a visitor to take.
37. Whitespace. Whitespace is the amount of padding or margin around key pieces of content on a web page including paragraphs and images.
38. Wireframe. Wireframes are early stage designs that don't include all the detail that a mockup would. The idea behind a wireframe is to organize content and the structure of pages before designing them graphically.

source: http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/website-redesign-terms 

1. 44% of website visitors will leave a company's website if there's no contact information or phone number.
2. 39% of people will stop engaging with a website if images won't load or take too long to load.
3. 51% of people think "thorough contact information" is the most important element missing from many company websites.
4. Mobile devices now account for nearly 2 of every 3 minutes spent online.
5. 13% of adults access the internet via desktop only.
6. 40% of smartphone and tablet owners search for B2B products on those devices.
7. Given 15 minutes to consume content, two-thirds of people would rather read something beautifully designed than something plain.
8. 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content / layout is unattractive.
9. 47% of website visitors check out a company's products / services page before looking at any other sections of the site.
10. Once on a company's homepage, 86% of visitors want to see information about that company's products / services.
11. Once on a company's homepage, 64% of visitors want to see the company contact information
12. Once on a company's homepage, 52% of visitors want to see "about us" information.
13. After reaching a company's website via a referal site, 50% of visitors will use the navigation menu to orient themselves.
14. After reaching a company's website via a referal site, 36% of visitors will click on the company's logo to reach the homepage.
15. 48% of people cited a website's design as the number one factor in deciding the credibility of a business.
16. 94% of people cited web design as the reason they mistrusted or rejected a website.
17. 72% of people entrusted online reviews just as much as personal recommendations.
18. 40% of people ventured away from a website if it loaded for more than 3 seconds.
19. 44% of mobile users reported that navigating a web page was difficult, 6% complained of difficulties interacting with it.
20. 62% of companies which designed their website for mobile platforms increased their sales and 64% of companies that designed their website for tablets increased sales.
21. Colours increased web recognition by 80%. Sites with dark colour schemes increased growth by 2% whereas sites with lighter colour schemes experienced 1.3% growth.
22. 70% of people looked at lists with bullet points. 55% looked at lists without bullet points.
23. 67% of shoppers were more likely to buy from a website that is compatible with mobile devices.
24. 27% of sites use HTML5. Those sites account for 49% of page views.
25. 47% of people expect a web page to load in two seconds or less.
26. 40% of people will leave a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.
27. 4 out of 5 consumers shop on smartphones.
28. 40% of people will choose a different search result if the first is not mobile friendly.
29. You have 10 seconds to leave an impression and tell them what they'll get out of your website and company. After this time (and oftentimes before), they'll leave.
30. Once your page loads, users form an opinion in 0.5 seconds.
31. 46% of mobile users report having difficulty interacting with a web page, and 44% complain that navigation was difficult.
32. The chance in a website bounce rate spikes to 100% when a page takes 4 seconds or more to load. It jumps to 150% if a page takes 8 seconds or more to load.
33. Over 80% of marketers consider increasing overall conversion a dominant priority for their website optimization programs.
34. 78% of client-side respondents stated that their company was extremely or quite commited to delivering the best online user experience.
35. 70% of marketers resoundingly reported they are using website optimization lessons to inform offline campaigns and other marketing communications.
36. A study of Fortune 500 websites showed that 63% have content above the fold, 50% feature a scrolling content window of some kind, 63% use high quality images that connect with their users, and the average loading time is 6.5 seconds.
37. 48% of users say that if they arrive on a business site that isn't working well on mobile, they take it as an indication of the business simply not caring.
38. 62% of companies that designed a website specifically for mobile had increased sales.
39. Only 22% of marketers say they're ahead of the curve when it comes to responsive design. 29% say they have "average" experience level, 23% say they're behind the times and 4% say they're hopeless.
40. Only 55% of companies are currently conducting any online user experience testing.
41. 90% of people use multiple screens sequentially.
42. 78% of marketers reported that their broader marketing campaigns were somewhat driven by website optimization results, only 47% of marketers said that their web design or product dev changed due to optimization lessons.

source: www.tytonmedia.com/blog/ 


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